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They Call Me the Heavy Hitter

All my life I have been a heavy hitter. I was the kid who always had “talks to much” “bossy” & “social butterfly” on the top of her report card. Turns out those are leadership skills and they come in handy when you are trying to help right a generational wrong.

I grew up in a suburban town, full of suburban people whom; for the most part, believed in the stigma of “the devil's lettuce”. I didn’t see my first glimpse of “weed” until I was a junior in highschool and still REALLY had NO idea what I was seeing. I did not try it until I was close to 21. Bawled my eyes out and didn't touch it again for a couple years.

About 8 years ago I started smoking a single hit at night to help me sleep. Even then though I was so paranoid. A single hit had me hearing cops on the main street thinking they were coming right to my house to lock me up. When I found out I was pregnant with my son I stopped smoking. My first trimester I was non functioning with my major depressive disorder at an all time high. Thank goodness for the little bean in my belly cause suicidal ideation was at an all time high. I started my pregnancy at 150lbs. A few months AFTER having my son my body started rapidly inflaming. My largest weight was 308 before I woke up with one side of my face swollen. After 5 specialists, iron transfusions and close to a dozen prescriptions I completely walked from traditional medicine.

I began a CBD regiment, I started moving my body and FUELING it. Turns out I am allergic to 7 of the 8 major food allergens. When 788 passed my life changed forever. I began to learn what this amazing plant can do for our bodies and better yet our planet. I learned what my body reacts best with and now every day I layer up! I have a full day, all day, heavy hitting regiment that my body thrives on and knows it too.

I consume all day, everyday.

I went through a shocked phase but that was quickly met with a phase of gratitude.

I used to take a daily escitalopram with a breakthrew xanax for any attacks I had.

I used to take a daily muscle relaxer for my muscle spasms.

I used to take a daily metformin to help my “early menopause"

I used to take a daily migraine preventative & then naturally the pill for the migraines that do break threw

I used to take a daily pain pill for the discomfort inflammation was causing

I used to take a daily pill to help me sleep

I used to take a daily Prozac to see if that would help since the Zoloft didn't and the anxiety plan wasn’t helping the PTSD spirals

I used to take a daily Prilosec from all the acid reflux of an unhealthy gut

I used to take a daily pill for IBS/Leaky Gut they couldn't pin point

I used to take a daily prescribed iron pill cause my body couldn't keep or hold onto iron

I used to wake up everyday and put man made toxins in my body that altered who I was that was not bringing me closer to answers. I didn’t have IBS, I was eating foods I was allergic to. I didn’t have "pre menopause”, I had PCOS and my sugars were going insane cause I was eating foods I was allergic to. I could go on and on here.

Are pharmaceuticals and involving a doctor important? YES!!!!!!!!!! YES!! YES!!!!

Is listening to your body and demanding answers where you are feeling ignored? An even bigger Y E S!!!!!!!!!

I haven't filled those prescriptions in over 3 years.

I’ve lost over 150lbs, I began healing trauma, I stepped up my movement & for the last 3 years with Cannabis in hand I have changed my entire life. As a 7x certified CannaEducator my goal is to shout from the mountain tops about the benefits of a plant that we as a society have been lied to about and continue to stigmatize because people simply do not know enough about it. I mean after all, the endocannabinoid system is in every single one of us. Working hand in hand with our bodies. I consume over 100mg of THC everyday, I consume over 100mg of cbd everyday, I consume varying types of mushrooms daily… and I am one hell of a heavy hitter in my day to day life.

Visit Courtney's website here. Book a Cannacian appointment, get a website built and more!

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